WordPress SEO Services

Intellar provides specialist Wordpress SEO services to get your website ranking. We work with you to build and/or optimise your WordPress websites.

Optimising the fundamentals of any WordPress build

Greatly improving landing page load times

Setup and optimising plugins

Our WordPress SEO services

WordPress is one of the most used content management systems ever. A platform heavily utilised by local businesses due to its ease of use and low cost entry point. That said, WordPress is also incredibly powerful and customisable, making it a desirable choice for large websites too. As a result, the demand for WordPress SEO is high. Here’s how Intellar helps:

Information Architecture

WordPress allows for customisable URL structures and categorisation. Creating a logical information architecture on your website is crucial to better help search engines and users understand your content and navigate your site.

On-page Optimisation

Page by page on-page optimisation to create highly targeted and relevant landing pages. This includes cleanin up query overlap, revamping content, adding new content, plus all the standard metadata configurations.

Internal Linking Optimisation

An internal linking strategy is at the heart of an SEO strategy. Intellar works to create relevant linking structures to improve navigation, click depth and crawl depth between pages.

SEO Plugin Installation and 3rd Party Configurations

There’s a lot you can add to a WordPress site to enhance performance and track metrics and leads. As part of our WordPress SEO service, we configure all of this for you.

What WordPress Search Engine Optimisation Can Do


Revamp existing websites

Many businesses, especially local businesses, run on WordPress. It’s easy to set up but a lot of work goes into making the website perform in organic search. Intellar’s SEO strategies help drive more traffic, rankings and leads for existing sites.


Lead new website design

Building a new website? With an SEO first strategy you can ensure your new WordPress website will be set up for success from the get go.


Generate more leads

A clean and optimised website, designed to convert, will do wonders for your lead generation. Intellar focuses on driving revenue from SEO, and to do so, your WordPress website must be optimised for rank well.


Increase keyword ranks

Improve non-brand keyword ranks with new content, content optimisation and a host of other on-page and off-page SEO activities for your WordPress website.

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Looking for more? Intellar provides a service on any aspect of SEO.