SEO Content Strategy

Your content needs a plan. An SEO content strategy is designed to do just that and create content that ranks, helps educate and convert users.

A content strategy will give your business a real and data backed plan to improve your SEO

Intellar does the calendar planning, research and briefing of content documents

An SEO content strategy is essential to build topical coverage in any SEO campaign

The Importance of an SEO Content Strategy

A content strategy for SEO is all about finding keywords to create content around that will bring you traffic and conversions.

Traffic and conversions are the obvious end goal of content, but to get to that point, there is a lot of groundwork to do.

Keyword research, competitive research, intent matching, format matching, benchmarking, entity relationships, up flow and down flow relations, internal and external linking targets and detailed briefs. All of this shapes what you produce.

For content to be successful organically and resonate with readers, there are a few nails to be hit on the head. Intellar’s content strategies are designed to do just that. A content strategy is the master plan that ensures your content isn’t just seen, but also drives business goals forward, leveraging the trifecta of business, search traffic, and ranking potential.

Content isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s essentially the backbone of a brand’s online presence. We help businesses, big and small, channel their efforts into creating content that not only appeals to their audience but also satisfies demands of search engines.

Content calendars and plans

Your content needs a plan. Many blog for the sake of it, and that is not a recipe for success. A content calendar helps you visualise your topic coverage and the gaps you’ll be filling.


Content without keyword research is a stab in the dark. Outside of the keyword(s) with volume, keyword research helps determine competitive benchmark and content medium.

Competitor benchmarking

Another piece of the content puzzle. Competition is high. Google rewards certain things. Benchmarking is done to help identify content intent, medium, format, word count etc. Intellar breaks this down.

Content brief creation

Great content needs a great brief. Intellar creates highly detailed and SEO led briefs to ensure you can create the best content possible to rank.

Why your business needs an SEO led content strategy

Without a cohesive strategy, content creation becomes guesswork. An SEO content strategy offers a roadmap to fulfilling business objectives through your content.


Strategic direction

Too often do I see content produced for the sake of content. Blogs with no targeting gathering dust. SEO is there to give your business a strategic direction on the content that is produced.


Assist conversions

Time and time again do I see well-structured, informative content assist conversions, especially for ecommerce businesses. SEO content can help improve the discoverability of your products and services.


Showcase expertise

A great content strategy should also be designed to position your brand as the subject matter expert. SERPs are often very competitive and full of similar talking points, so it’s important to stand out.


Educate and Convert

Content that educates often converts. With cryptocurrency SEO, new adopters or even seasoned investors need informative content: How to mint, how to buy, how to sell etc. Intellar’s content strategies help shape a process like this.

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