How Experts Are Using AI In Their Ads

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising advertising by enabling highly personalised and efficient campaigns.

Advertisers This automation not only improves ad effectiveness but also saves time and increases efficiency, allowing marketers to focus on creative strategies.

Companies and individuals that are utilising AI in advertising are seeing significant improvements in their workflows, output and ROI.

This article explores how experts are integrating AI into their ads to achieve even better results.

Table of Contents

Time Save With AI

AI helps speed up the Google Ads process with enhanced targeting and copy. For targeting, I can prompt AI to give me a list for keyword and location targeting, as well as location exclusion (this speeds up time to first conversion and increases lead quality/relevance).

Next, AI improves my copy in headlines, descriptions, site links, and extensions. By asking for a large list of 50+ for each input, I can sift through and find quality copy for the ads I am writing. This saves me time and increases the quality, resulting in faster testing cycles to achieve conversions.

Improve Your Own Output

At v01, I use AI to run campaign experiments that I previously needed a team for.

50% of the Fortune 500 has been wiped out over the last decade; those still standing are the ones that embraced growth experiments.‘ As an early-stage founder, experimentation isn’t something the comes the most naturally, especially when juggling 101 other tasks. AI solves this.

I start with brainstorming; I bounce ideas off AI tools to see what they generate. This sparks new campaign ideas, which I then run in bulk. From there, I pick the best performers, scale them, and repeat.

It’s like having a marketing team without the overhead. I’m not just adapting to AI – I’m using it to outpace the competition.

Picture of Alex Baca

Alex Baca

Founder, v01

Enhance Efficiency and Personalisation

We’re using AI in advertising campaigns in various ways, enhancing efficiency, targeting, and personalisation. We leverage AI tools like Typeform’s Botmaker in creating engaging ad content, which helps marketers save time and improve ad copy. Additionally, AI algorithms analsse user behavior, allowing the delivery of customised ads for each user.

We also use AI to assess real-time ad performance data, identify the most effective channels, and optimise ad spending accordingly. We employ AI tools to study audience demographics, interests, and behaviour, enabling the development of more effective advertising campaigns.

Machine-learning models help analyse the data and provide predictions for a campaign’s potential future success. This will allow you to make wise spending decisions. By using AI this way in our advertising campaigns, we are effectively targeting our audience, personalising our marketing strategy, and enhancing efficiency.

Picture of Faizan Khan

Faizan Khan

Public Relations and Content Marketing Specialist, Ubuy Australia

Use AI to Enhance Existing Projects

When using AI, the best route is to take a project you have already done and use AI as a tool to better what is already there. Many people think AI is a creator, but it is really an enhancer.

For example, when formulating advertising videos, my marketing team uses AI as a guide to enhance user experience and client relations. Inputs such as, “Which scene is likely to grab the attention of my audience the most?” or “Do users generally find these colors distracting?” can take your work to the next level.

What we try to avoid is using AI as a platform to create and generate new concepts or ideas that we did not already have. This is where you can have misinformation and, most importantly, work that is not inherently yours. This process loses a human touch and gives very general and, overall, non-trustworthy outputs.

Analyse and Adjust PPC Campaigns

We use AI tools primarily for analysis and adjustment of our PPC campaigns. It helps us pinpoint weaknesses in our funnel, identify new keywords to target, and low prices to take advantage of. We’ve found that it’s not a good fit for actual content creation, though.

Picture of Nick Valentino

Nick Valentino

VP of Market Operations, Bellhop

Optimise Visual Content With AI

An approach we take at our company is using AI for image recognition and analysis within our advertising campaigns.

This technology allows us to analyse the visual elements that perform best across different platforms and adjust our creative assets accordingly.

For a luxury-accessories campaign, AI was used to determine which images led to higher engagement and conversions, enabling us to optimise visual content for future ads. This not only ensures that our visuals are appealing but also that they are strategically aligned with user preferences and behaviours, leading to better campaign performance.

Utilise Predictive Analytics for Ad Placements

In our advertising campaigns, AI plays a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency, targeting, and overall performance. One of the primary ways we use AI is through predictive analytics and machine-learning algorithms to optimise ad placements and budget allocation.

For example, we recently ran a campaign for a client in the e-commerce sector. We used AI-powered tools to analyse vast amounts of data, including customer behaviour, purchasing patterns, and demographic information. By leveraging these insights, we were able to create highly targeted ad segments. This allowed us to deliver personalised ads to specific audiences more likely to convert, improving the effectiveness of our ad spend.

The AI tools also helped us with real-time ad optimisation. Machine-learning algorithms continuously monitored the performance of the ads across various platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads. They automatically adjusted bids, ad placements, and even the creative elements of the ads based on real-time performance data. This dynamic adjustment process ensured that the ads were always optimised for the best possible outcomes, reducing the cost per acquisition and increasing the return on investment.

We utilised AI for A/B testing. Traditional A/B testing can be time-consuming and limited in scope. However, AI can simultaneously test multiple variations of ads and quickly identify the best-performing combinations. In our e-commerce campaign, we tested different headlines, images, call-to-action buttons, and target audience segments. The AI identified which combinations yielded the highest engagement and conversion rates, allowing us to implement the winning versions rapidly.

An example of AI’s impact in this campaign was evident in our retargeting efforts. Using AI, we analysed user interactions on the client’s website to identify potential customers who had shown interest but had not completed a purchase. The AI segmented these users based on their behavior and delivered personalised retargeting ads that addressed their specific interests and objections. This approach significantly increased the conversion rate of our retargeting ads compared to traditional methods.

Enhance Audience Targeting With AI

We are using AI to enhance audience targeting by creating more sophisticated user profiles that help in delivering more personalised ad content. For example, our AI systems analyse data from past interactions across various channels to identify the preferences and needs of distinct user segments.

This approach was instrumental in a campaign for a hospitality client, where AI-driven insights allowed us to target potential guests with personalised offers and recommendations based on their previous booking patterns and reviews, resulting in a notable uplift in customer engagement and direct bookings. This method has not only improved campaign performance but also customer satisfaction by delivering relevant content that meets individual preferences.

Test Email Campaigns With AI

We use AI in all of our email campaigns as a test vs. our writers. Each email campaign uses AI against our writers to 10% of our list. The remaining 90% get the email that achieves the goal we have set. It may be a subject line, imagery, or even content within the email itself. Then we set goals such as open rates, conversion rates, and click rates for each email campaign. Right now, 60% of the overall wins are with AI, but unfortunately, not high enough to depend on it totally yet.

Picture of Jeff Michael

Jeff Michael

Ecommerce Business Owner, Supplement Warehouse

Leverage Programmatic Ad Placements

At our recruitment firm, we leverage AI in our advertising campaigns primarily through programmatic ad placements. This means our ads are strategically placed using AI algorithms to target the most relevant audience for specific job openings. For instance, if we have a tech position requiring specific skills, AI helps us pinpoint and reach out to candidates with those exact qualifications across digital platforms. It ensures our ads reach the right people efficiently, improving our chances of connecting with the best candidates for our clients.

For example, we used AI to fill data-science positions for a major client. The AI identified and targeted individuals with relevant keywords like “machine learning,” “data analysis,” and “Python programming.” It then optimised ad placements across websites, social media, and forums where these candidates were most active.

Generate and Optimise Ad Content

In my advertising campaigns for my SAAS site, I use AI to generate and optimise ad content efficiently. For example, we ran a campaign using AI to create multiple ad variations. We produced 4,041 variations with AI, compared to 1,708 by humans. This approach increased conversions and also saved time, featuring AI’s ability to enhance creative processes effectively.

Identify Market Gaps With AI

In our tech firm, we rely on AI to identify potential market gaps through customer segmentation. For instance, we use deep-learning algorithms to process large data sets and divide customers into distinct segments based on their likings, buying patterns, and behaviors. This segmentation helps us design personalised ads that target specific customer groups rather than generic advertisements. It’s like having a personal conversation with each customer segment, making our ads more effective and boosting our conversion rates.

Picture of Abid Salahi

Abid Salahi

Co-founder & CEO, FinlyWealth

Predict Trends With Social Media Analysis

A method we’ve adopted involves using AI to analyse and predict lighting trends based on social media activity and online discussions. Here’s how it works:

We use AI tools to scan various social media platforms, forums, and blogs to identify emerging trends and preferences in home lighting. The AI sifts through millions of posts and comments to detect patterns and sentiments related to different types of lighting, colors, and styles. This data is then analysed to predict which trends are likely to gain popularity in the near future.

By understanding these trends early, we can tailor our advertising campaigns to highlight products that align with what consumers are starting to show interest in. For example, if the AI detects a growing interest in eco-friendly lighting solutions, we can quickly adjust our marketing strategy to emphasise our range of sustainable lighting products.

This method has allowed us to stay ahead of the curve and ensure our ads resonate with current consumer interests. It’s a proactive approach that goes beyond traditional market research, giving us a competitive edge in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape. Plus, it helps us connect with our audience on a more personal level by addressing their latest preferences and needs.

Picture of Matt Little

Matt Little

Founder & Managing Director, Festoon House

Enhance Personalisation and Precision

Integrating AI into our advertising strategy has transformed the way we connect with our customers. We leverage AI technology to enhance personalisation and precision in our campaigns, ensuring our message reaches the right audience with the right content.

One compelling example of this is our AI-powered recommendation system, which suggests products to customers based on their past purchases and browsing behavior. This system has been integrated into our online store and email newsletters, offering customers tailored product recommendations that align with their preferences. The result has been a noticeable uptick in repeat purchases and customer satisfaction.

AI plays a crucial role in optimising our ad spend across digital platforms. By utilising AI analytics, we can quickly identify which ads are performing best and allocate resources accordingly. For instance, during a recent promotion of our premium meat cuts, AI tools helped us monitor and adjust our ad campaigns in real-time, ensuring we maximised our reach and effectiveness. This adaptive approach not only boosted our return on investment but also allowed us to engage more effectively with our target demographic. AI has become an invaluable asset in making our advertising campaigns more efficient and impactful.

Picture of Gabrielle Yap

Gabrielle Yap

Senior Editor & Culinary Entrepreneur, Carnivore Style


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